28 Days of Prayer - Acts 27

Posted by Matt On 12:51 PM
A little different format today...

Acts 27:3 - "The next day we landed at Sidon; and Julius, in kindnes to Paul, allowed him to go to his friends so they might provide for his needs."

Today I was thinking that I wanted to write a post to really brag about the Celebrate Recovery program and its leaders. This verse sets me up perfectly for that so I'm going to go with that gut instinct.

Celebrate Recovery kicks off tomorrow night (5:30 at the BridgeWay Ministry Center in Morton, IL) and there is a buzz around this place about it today. I'm constantly amazed (though not surprised) at the way God brings the people He wants together to accomplish the tasks that He sets before us. The leadership team for Celebrate Recovery are people that are passionate, excited, and experiencing recovery of their own from a variety of hurts, habits, and hang-ups. It's great to see people take the situations that used to burden their life now use those same situations for God's glory.

If you're hesitant about coming to Celebrate Recovery, let me encourage you to come. Celebrate Recovery is the modern day equivalent of Acts 27:3 - friends gathering together to help friends through their needs by pointing them to Jesus, our true healer.

I know we have one day left on this 28 days of prayer journey as a church, but I just want to say thank you to all who participated. I know that God really challenged me during this time as well as many of you. At the same time God answered so many prayer needs that we raised. Though we never were in the same room reading or praying together, we truly were experiencing God together as a church on a daily basis. That's a lot to celebrate!

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