***Before you begin! Reaffirm the ‘Vegas’ rule with your group – what happens in small groups stays in small groups. This is very important to talk about every week. Encourage everyone that the environment is safe, and that there is no judgment.
***The reason we do small groups is to ‘belong and become’ – Have a safe group of friends to belong to and become more like Jesus every day. This is the vision of small groups – remind your group of this each week.
1. When you were growing up, who was your hero? Who would you say is your hero today?
2. Have you ever had your hero let you down? What was that like? If not, have you seen a ‘hero’ fall in our world? What did that look like?
3. What makes a hero a hero? Is it accomplishments, character, bravery, etc.?
4. What makes Jesus a hero for everyone? What specifically in your life made Jesus your hero? In other words, what did Jesus save you from?
5. Erwin McManus (a pastor in California) says that, “Jesus died the most heroic death in history, that we might live our most heroic lives for humanity.” In what ways does Jesus command us to be heroes to the world around us? How have you answered that call?
6. What do we need Jesus to save us or others from now? What is going on in our lives that we can pray for? What needs do we have that can only be met by a hero?
As always, end the group with general sharing of prayer requests and prayer. Some groups have found it effective to pray for each request as it’s given, rather than creating the list of requests. Use your discretion as a leader.
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