Scripture - Acts 25:24b - "The whole Jewish community has petitioned me about him in Jerusalem and here in Caesarea, shouting that he ought not to live any longer."
Observation - This statement comes within the context of Agrippa the King laying out the case against Paul. The situation is that Paul really has done nothing wrong, but the King doesn't let Paul go because of the political pressure he's under. The King is not willing to lead. Leadership is rarely about gathering consensus as much as it is about determining the correct course and influencing others in that direction. The King was more worried about what others thought rather than doing the right thing.
Application - Am I being more influenced by the people around me or by what I know is right? Who has more say in my decision making: others or Jesus? As I lead am I doing what God is asking me to do or being persuaded by people or issues more than God?
Prayer - Dear Lord, leading is hard. It's tough to cut through the clutter of life, through issues we face, and even through the voices of well meaning people to hear you sometimes. I pray for all of those today who are facing tough choices, that you would strengthen them and guide them more than anything or anyone else. I pray that you would help me today too, to trust you above all others, that you would guide my steps personally and as a leader. In Jesus' name, Amen.
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