28 Days of Prayer - Acts 8

Posted by Matt On 2:54 PM
Scripture - Acts 8:36 - "As they traveled along the road, they came to some water and the eunuch said, "Look, here is water. Why shouldn't I be baptized?"

Observation - This story's pretty cool. Philip is told by God to go to this road, but doesn't know why. Once he's there, he encounters this eunuch from Ethiopia who is reading scripture. Through his conversation with Philip, this eunuch recognizes Jesus as his savior and wants to be baptized right away. I love the faith of Philip in this story and the zeal of this eunuch.

Application - Where's my level of faith today? Would I be willing to do whatever God asked me to do even if I don't know why? Along with that, am I as enthusiastic about my faith as this eunuch is about his?

Prayer - Dear Lord, help me to be as faithful as Philip as you call me to do things I may not understand. Along with that, may I be as zealous as this eunuch that wanted to share his faith with the world instantly. In Jesus' name, Amen.

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