Scripture - Acts 7:60 - Then he [Stephen] fell on his knees and cried out, "Lord, do not hold this sin against them." When he had said this, he fell asleep.
Observation - This verse always amazes me. Stephen has been falsely accused of all kinds of stuff, and on top of that this group of men is throwing big rocks at him until he dies. In the midst of one of the most horrific deaths imaginable, Stephen's response is one of forgiveness and turning the other cheek. What an example to the rest of us.
Application - Sometimes I hold grudges against people because of what they say to me or do to me. After reading this passage, it makes me feel pretty stupid that I would hold a grudge against someone for words they speak, when Stephen offered forgiveness as they were taking his life.
Prayer - Dear Lord, please allow me the insight to love people the way you do. I can't believe you did for me what you did on the cross and for that I'm thankful. Through that work, help me to be Christlike in all my dealings with people, even when they don't have my own best interest in mind. Also, help me to be faithful to pray for my Christian brothers and sisters who do suffer real persecution daily. Give them strength in the face of opposition today. In Jesus' name, Amen.
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