28 Days of Prayer - Acts 28

Posted by Matt On 1:39 PM
Scripture - Acts 28:31 - "Boldly and without hindrance he preached the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ."

Observation - I love how this is the last sentence in the book of Acts. The book first introduces Saul as a man who was persecuting the followers of Jesus. At the end of the book, Paul is under arrest in Rome and still preaching the word of God. It's an amazing story of redemption and hope.

Application - Who in my life am I ready to give up on spiritually? When you think about family members who are far from Jesus, do you ever feel like giving up hope? If Saul can be converted to Paul, there's hope for all of us.

Prayer - Dear Lord, I pray for those who are near hopelessness today. I pray for those who have been praying for someone to recognize Jesus as their Savior for days, months, and years and feel like there has been no progress made. Encourage them today Lord. Move on their behalf and on behalf of that friend or family member. May we never lose hope or hunger to see our friends, families, and neighbors follow Jesus. In Jesus' name, Amen.

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