Scripture - Acts 17:25 - About midnight, Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them.
Observation - Paul and Silas had just been thrown into jail because they healed a girl and that ticked off a bunch of locals. They were wrongly accused of wrongdoing and were not only thrown in jail, but were seriously beaten as well. Yet in the midst of that situation, they praised God. That's pretty impressive.
Application - What situations do I face where I complain about something unfair, rather than praising God for what I do have?
Prayer - Dear Lord, thank you for all you have blessed me with. Thank you for the freedom we have in this country to worship you without governmental persecution. Bless those around the world who do not have the privilege of that freedom. Help them to be strong in the face of persecution. Allow me Lord, to never take for granted what I have and how good I have it. In Jesus' name, Amen.
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