28 Days of Prayer - Acts 18

Posted by Matt On 9:27 AM
Scripture - Acts 18:9-10 - One night the Lord spoke to Paul in a vision: "Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, do not be silent. For I am with you, and no one is going to attack and harm you, because I have many people in this city."

Observation - Everyone needs encouragment from time to time, even when we are doing something we are called by God to do. Paul knew that God had called him to proclaim the message of Jesus, but was hesitant and even afraid of what might happen if he continued to. But God's timing is perfect; just when Paul was considering giving up, God gave him the encouragement he needed.

Application - In our world, we're not all called to be preachers like Paul, but God does all have specific callings for each life. Sometimes we become afraid, stressed out, tired, or even hopeless and don't want to continue. That's when we need to remember these words from God that if He has called us, we won't fail if we stay faithful to Him.

Prayer - Dear Lord, thank you for calling imperfect people to do great things in the name of Jesus. Help those who are struggling today God with that calling. Help them to stay true to the path you have put them on and give them the endurance, encouragement, and strength they need right now to make it through. Thank you, in Jesus' name, Amen.

1 Response to '28 Days of Prayer - Acts 18'

  1. Damon Morgan said...
    https://mattrobinsonlive.blogspot.com/2009/05/28-days-of-prayer-acts-18.html?showComment=1242869150087#c7592312436906379032'> May 20, 2009 at 6:25 PM

    I struggle with this sometimes and while not necessarily tempering my enthusiasm, I have to remember to listen to what God is actually calling me to do. In some ways I am the bull in the china shop and have had the tendency to try to get involved in more than I might be spiritually capable of and I get frustrated.

    I had to learn that it is not my will but His will that takes precedence.

    I have come to believe that God knows where my strengths lie and that as long as I am listening, I will be encouraged and subsequently led where God wants me. Most times this reveals talents or skills I didn't realize I possessed while pushing me out of my comfort zone.

    Not sure if this applied or not but I thought I would add a my own introspection.


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