Scripture - Acts 28:31 - "Boldly and without hindrance he preached the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ."
Observation - I love how this is the last sentence in the book of Acts. The book first introduces Saul as a man who was persecuting the followers of Jesus. At the end of the book, Paul is under arrest in Rome and still preaching the word of God. It's an amazing story of redemption and hope.
Application - Who in my life am I ready to give up on spiritually? When you think about family members who are far from Jesus, do you ever feel like giving up hope? If Saul can be converted to Paul, there's hope for all of us.
Prayer - Dear Lord, I pray for those who are near hopelessness today. I pray for those who have been praying for someone to recognize Jesus as their Savior for days, months, and years and feel like there has been no progress made. Encourage them today Lord. Move on their behalf and on behalf of that friend or family member. May we never lose hope or hunger to see our friends, families, and neighbors follow Jesus. In Jesus' name, Amen.
How do I train my replacement?
Congratulations! You’ve successfully recruited another leader! This is a big deal. Now that you’ve recruited them, the fun is just beginning. Now you get to train them in what it means to do what you do. Here are 5 steps to get you there (Taken from Community Christian Church in Chicago, IL):
Step 1: I do, you watch, we talk.
· Let the new person observe as you work. After words, meet with them and talk about any questions they have and be sure to explain again the vision behind what you are doing.
Step 2: I do, you help, we talk.
· Let the new person help in the work you are doing. This may require extra planning on your part to figure out how they can fit in. Again, after it’s over, meet with them to answer any questions they have, cheer them on, and gently correct them if they erred in some way.
Step 3: You do, I help, we talk.
· This is where they take the bulk of the work but you help in the process. Again, meet to break it down, encourage, correct if needed, and encourage some more.
Step 4: You do, I watch, we talk.
· The robin leaves the nest. You watch as this person does the entire role. Again after it’s over, encourage, debrief, and encourage some more.
Step 5: You do, someone else watches, you two talk.
· In other words, the cycle begins again. Once this person you have trained is ready to go, encourage them from day one to find a replacement to train in this position. REMEMBER: WE NEVER HAVE “ENOUGH” WORKERS ANYWHERE!
Congratulations! You’ve successfully recruited another leader! This is a big deal. Now that you’ve recruited them, the fun is just beginning. Now you get to train them in what it means to do what you do. Here are 5 steps to get you there (Taken from Community Christian Church in Chicago, IL):
Step 1: I do, you watch, we talk.
· Let the new person observe as you work. After words, meet with them and talk about any questions they have and be sure to explain again the vision behind what you are doing.
Step 2: I do, you help, we talk.
· Let the new person help in the work you are doing. This may require extra planning on your part to figure out how they can fit in. Again, after it’s over, meet with them to answer any questions they have, cheer them on, and gently correct them if they erred in some way.
Step 3: You do, I help, we talk.
· This is where they take the bulk of the work but you help in the process. Again, meet to break it down, encourage, correct if needed, and encourage some more.
Step 4: You do, I watch, we talk.
· The robin leaves the nest. You watch as this person does the entire role. Again after it’s over, encourage, debrief, and encourage some more.
Step 5: You do, someone else watches, you two talk.
· In other words, the cycle begins again. Once this person you have trained is ready to go, encourage them from day one to find a replacement to train in this position. REMEMBER: WE NEVER HAVE “ENOUGH” WORKERS ANYWHERE!
A little different format today...
Acts 27:3 - "The next day we landed at Sidon; and Julius, in kindnes to Paul, allowed him to go to his friends so they might provide for his needs."
Today I was thinking that I wanted to write a post to really brag about the Celebrate Recovery program and its leaders. This verse sets me up perfectly for that so I'm going to go with that gut instinct.
Celebrate Recovery kicks off tomorrow night (5:30 at the BridgeWay Ministry Center in Morton, IL) and there is a buzz around this place about it today. I'm constantly amazed (though not surprised) at the way God brings the people He wants together to accomplish the tasks that He sets before us. The leadership team for Celebrate Recovery are people that are passionate, excited, and experiencing recovery of their own from a variety of hurts, habits, and hang-ups. It's great to see people take the situations that used to burden their life now use those same situations for God's glory.
If you're hesitant about coming to Celebrate Recovery, let me encourage you to come. Celebrate Recovery is the modern day equivalent of Acts 27:3 - friends gathering together to help friends through their needs by pointing them to Jesus, our true healer.
I know we have one day left on this 28 days of prayer journey as a church, but I just want to say thank you to all who participated. I know that God really challenged me during this time as well as many of you. At the same time God answered so many prayer needs that we raised. Though we never were in the same room reading or praying together, we truly were experiencing God together as a church on a daily basis. That's a lot to celebrate!
Acts 27:3 - "The next day we landed at Sidon; and Julius, in kindnes to Paul, allowed him to go to his friends so they might provide for his needs."
Today I was thinking that I wanted to write a post to really brag about the Celebrate Recovery program and its leaders. This verse sets me up perfectly for that so I'm going to go with that gut instinct.
Celebrate Recovery kicks off tomorrow night (5:30 at the BridgeWay Ministry Center in Morton, IL) and there is a buzz around this place about it today. I'm constantly amazed (though not surprised) at the way God brings the people He wants together to accomplish the tasks that He sets before us. The leadership team for Celebrate Recovery are people that are passionate, excited, and experiencing recovery of their own from a variety of hurts, habits, and hang-ups. It's great to see people take the situations that used to burden their life now use those same situations for God's glory.
If you're hesitant about coming to Celebrate Recovery, let me encourage you to come. Celebrate Recovery is the modern day equivalent of Acts 27:3 - friends gathering together to help friends through their needs by pointing them to Jesus, our true healer.
I know we have one day left on this 28 days of prayer journey as a church, but I just want to say thank you to all who participated. I know that God really challenged me during this time as well as many of you. At the same time God answered so many prayer needs that we raised. Though we never were in the same room reading or praying together, we truly were experiencing God together as a church on a daily basis. That's a lot to celebrate!
Scripture - Acts 25:24b - "The whole Jewish community has petitioned me about him in Jerusalem and here in Caesarea, shouting that he ought not to live any longer."
Observation - This statement comes within the context of Agrippa the King laying out the case against Paul. The situation is that Paul really has done nothing wrong, but the King doesn't let Paul go because of the political pressure he's under. The King is not willing to lead. Leadership is rarely about gathering consensus as much as it is about determining the correct course and influencing others in that direction. The King was more worried about what others thought rather than doing the right thing.
Application - Am I being more influenced by the people around me or by what I know is right? Who has more say in my decision making: others or Jesus? As I lead am I doing what God is asking me to do or being persuaded by people or issues more than God?
Prayer - Dear Lord, leading is hard. It's tough to cut through the clutter of life, through issues we face, and even through the voices of well meaning people to hear you sometimes. I pray for all of those today who are facing tough choices, that you would strengthen them and guide them more than anything or anyone else. I pray that you would help me today too, to trust you above all others, that you would guide my steps personally and as a leader. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Observation - This statement comes within the context of Agrippa the King laying out the case against Paul. The situation is that Paul really has done nothing wrong, but the King doesn't let Paul go because of the political pressure he's under. The King is not willing to lead. Leadership is rarely about gathering consensus as much as it is about determining the correct course and influencing others in that direction. The King was more worried about what others thought rather than doing the right thing.
Application - Am I being more influenced by the people around me or by what I know is right? Who has more say in my decision making: others or Jesus? As I lead am I doing what God is asking me to do or being persuaded by people or issues more than God?
Prayer - Dear Lord, leading is hard. It's tough to cut through the clutter of life, through issues we face, and even through the voices of well meaning people to hear you sometimes. I pray for all of those today who are facing tough choices, that you would strengthen them and guide them more than anything or anyone else. I pray that you would help me today too, to trust you above all others, that you would guide my steps personally and as a leader. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Scripture - Acts 20:24 - "However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace."
Observation - Boo-yah! That's all there is to say after Paul lays down this gem. It's amazing to think that Paul is pretty convinced in his mind that going to Jerusalem will result in his own death, but he feels he must go anyway. Whenever you bust out the "I consider my life worth nothing to me" line, you're venturing into some heavy Holy Spirit territory.
Application - What's holding us back from having that type of faith to Jesus and his work?
Prayer - Dear Lord, I thank you for the example Paul is to all followers of Jesus. I thank you that he surrendered completely to you and gave his life for the Gospel. Lord, help me to surrender everything in my life to you. Help me to hold nothing back that I might 'finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me - the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace.' In Jesus' name, Amen.
Observation - Boo-yah! That's all there is to say after Paul lays down this gem. It's amazing to think that Paul is pretty convinced in his mind that going to Jerusalem will result in his own death, but he feels he must go anyway. Whenever you bust out the "I consider my life worth nothing to me" line, you're venturing into some heavy Holy Spirit territory.
Application - What's holding us back from having that type of faith to Jesus and his work?
Prayer - Dear Lord, I thank you for the example Paul is to all followers of Jesus. I thank you that he surrendered completely to you and gave his life for the Gospel. Lord, help me to surrender everything in my life to you. Help me to hold nothing back that I might 'finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me - the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace.' In Jesus' name, Amen.
Scripture - Acts 19:27 - "There is danger not only that our trade will lose its good name, but also that the temple of the great goddess Artemis will be discredited, and the goddess herself, who is worshiped throught the province of Asia and the world, will be robbed of her divine majesty."
Observation - This statement is made by a guy name Demetrius. What's interesting about this is that he really made this statement out of fear of losing money, not fear that the god he worshiped would be desecrated. The classic choice of worshiping God or money, and Demetrius chose money.
Application - Following Jesus while always the best decision we can make, can sometimes be very difficult. When you are blessed with wealth, God may ask you to use your wealth in ways that you hadn't planned. You may need to change jobs for less money to serve God in ways that you may be called to. There's no telling what will happen, but it's always best to go with God's direction, rather than your own wealth and desires.
Prayer - Dear Lord, help us today to surrender everything we have to you - including our wealthy. Help us God to not be people obsessed with money or riches, but to be obsessed with God's direction and leading in our lives, that we may be blessings to others and to you. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Observation - This statement is made by a guy name Demetrius. What's interesting about this is that he really made this statement out of fear of losing money, not fear that the god he worshiped would be desecrated. The classic choice of worshiping God or money, and Demetrius chose money.
Application - Following Jesus while always the best decision we can make, can sometimes be very difficult. When you are blessed with wealth, God may ask you to use your wealth in ways that you hadn't planned. You may need to change jobs for less money to serve God in ways that you may be called to. There's no telling what will happen, but it's always best to go with God's direction, rather than your own wealth and desires.
Prayer - Dear Lord, help us today to surrender everything we have to you - including our wealthy. Help us God to not be people obsessed with money or riches, but to be obsessed with God's direction and leading in our lives, that we may be blessings to others and to you. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Scripture - Acts 18:9-10 - One night the Lord spoke to Paul in a vision: "Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, do not be silent. For I am with you, and no one is going to attack and harm you, because I have many people in this city."
Observation - Everyone needs encouragment from time to time, even when we are doing something we are called by God to do. Paul knew that God had called him to proclaim the message of Jesus, but was hesitant and even afraid of what might happen if he continued to. But God's timing is perfect; just when Paul was considering giving up, God gave him the encouragement he needed.
Application - In our world, we're not all called to be preachers like Paul, but God does all have specific callings for each life. Sometimes we become afraid, stressed out, tired, or even hopeless and don't want to continue. That's when we need to remember these words from God that if He has called us, we won't fail if we stay faithful to Him.
Prayer - Dear Lord, thank you for calling imperfect people to do great things in the name of Jesus. Help those who are struggling today God with that calling. Help them to stay true to the path you have put them on and give them the endurance, encouragement, and strength they need right now to make it through. Thank you, in Jesus' name, Amen.
Observation - Everyone needs encouragment from time to time, even when we are doing something we are called by God to do. Paul knew that God had called him to proclaim the message of Jesus, but was hesitant and even afraid of what might happen if he continued to. But God's timing is perfect; just when Paul was considering giving up, God gave him the encouragement he needed.
Application - In our world, we're not all called to be preachers like Paul, but God does all have specific callings for each life. Sometimes we become afraid, stressed out, tired, or even hopeless and don't want to continue. That's when we need to remember these words from God that if He has called us, we won't fail if we stay faithful to Him.
Prayer - Dear Lord, thank you for calling imperfect people to do great things in the name of Jesus. Help those who are struggling today God with that calling. Help them to stay true to the path you have put them on and give them the endurance, encouragement, and strength they need right now to make it through. Thank you, in Jesus' name, Amen.
Scripture - Acts 17:28a "For in him we live and move and have our being."
Observation - The implications of this statement are staggering. Paul is talking about Jesus and the fact that it is through Him and only Him that we have life. Not only life, but movement, being, thought, emotion, etc. What Paul really is saying is that everything about us is from Jesus.
Application - Am I living my life in every area as if it were from Jesus? Is every action I make a Jesus action? Is every thought I have a Jesus thought? Are my emotions the same as Jesus emotions?
Prayer - Dear Lord, thank you that you have made me and given me life. Thank you for the new life I have found in your son Jesus Christ. Continue to shape me and mold me into the person you want me to be so that I can be the best follower of Jesus, the best husband, the best father, the best pastor, and the best friend I can be to those around me. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Observation - The implications of this statement are staggering. Paul is talking about Jesus and the fact that it is through Him and only Him that we have life. Not only life, but movement, being, thought, emotion, etc. What Paul really is saying is that everything about us is from Jesus.
Application - Am I living my life in every area as if it were from Jesus? Is every action I make a Jesus action? Is every thought I have a Jesus thought? Are my emotions the same as Jesus emotions?
Prayer - Dear Lord, thank you that you have made me and given me life. Thank you for the new life I have found in your son Jesus Christ. Continue to shape me and mold me into the person you want me to be so that I can be the best follower of Jesus, the best husband, the best father, the best pastor, and the best friend I can be to those around me. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Scripture - Acts 17:25 - About midnight, Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them.
Observation - Paul and Silas had just been thrown into jail because they healed a girl and that ticked off a bunch of locals. They were wrongly accused of wrongdoing and were not only thrown in jail, but were seriously beaten as well. Yet in the midst of that situation, they praised God. That's pretty impressive.
Application - What situations do I face where I complain about something unfair, rather than praising God for what I do have?
Prayer - Dear Lord, thank you for all you have blessed me with. Thank you for the freedom we have in this country to worship you without governmental persecution. Bless those around the world who do not have the privilege of that freedom. Help them to be strong in the face of persecution. Allow me Lord, to never take for granted what I have and how good I have it. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Observation - Paul and Silas had just been thrown into jail because they healed a girl and that ticked off a bunch of locals. They were wrongly accused of wrongdoing and were not only thrown in jail, but were seriously beaten as well. Yet in the midst of that situation, they praised God. That's pretty impressive.
Application - What situations do I face where I complain about something unfair, rather than praising God for what I do have?
Prayer - Dear Lord, thank you for all you have blessed me with. Thank you for the freedom we have in this country to worship you without governmental persecution. Bless those around the world who do not have the privilege of that freedom. Help them to be strong in the face of persecution. Allow me Lord, to never take for granted what I have and how good I have it. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Scripture: Acts 11:24 - "He was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and faith, and a great number of people were brought to the Lord."
Observation: This is a reoccurring theme in Acts - the Holy Spirit, faith, and good men. The church was successful with those three ingredients. It seems pretty simple, but has powerful implications.
Application: Would I be described by God as Barnabas here as "a good man, full of the Holy Spirit, and faith"? Even further, am I surrounding myself with people that I could describe that way? Are we holding each other to standards that will help one another grow to this end?
Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for those who have gone before and set an example about what it means to live life faithfully to Jesus. Thank you that we even have this opportunity before us. Help me Lord, to be faithful, accountable, and humble so you might describe me as Barnabas was described in this passage. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Observation: This is a reoccurring theme in Acts - the Holy Spirit, faith, and good men. The church was successful with those three ingredients. It seems pretty simple, but has powerful implications.
Application: Would I be described by God as Barnabas here as "a good man, full of the Holy Spirit, and faith"? Even further, am I surrounding myself with people that I could describe that way? Are we holding each other to standards that will help one another grow to this end?
Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for those who have gone before and set an example about what it means to live life faithfully to Jesus. Thank you that we even have this opportunity before us. Help me Lord, to be faithful, accountable, and humble so you might describe me as Barnabas was described in this passage. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Scripture: Acts 10: 34 &35: Then Peter began to speak: "I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism, but accepts men from every nation who fear him and do what is right
Observation: This verse is really good news. I always find it amazing that people think that Jesus is so exclusive or that Christianity is an exclusive practice. This verse shows how truly inclusive it is. Anyone, literally ANYONE, can live a life of freedom in Jesus Christ. It doesn't matter what you've done, what your skin color is, what your gender is, what's been done to you, etc. That's really good news!
Application: Do I truly believe the gospel of Jesus is for everyone? Are there people that I treat differently and don't believe that Jesus is for them?
Prayer: Dear Lord, it's an amazing privilege to serve a God who takes people who are all screw ups and use them in amazing ways. Thank you that you are not exclusive, keeping men from yourself. Thank you for accepting all men and women, and thank you for loving me even though I don't deserve it. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Observation: This verse is really good news. I always find it amazing that people think that Jesus is so exclusive or that Christianity is an exclusive practice. This verse shows how truly inclusive it is. Anyone, literally ANYONE, can live a life of freedom in Jesus Christ. It doesn't matter what you've done, what your skin color is, what your gender is, what's been done to you, etc. That's really good news!
Application: Do I truly believe the gospel of Jesus is for everyone? Are there people that I treat differently and don't believe that Jesus is for them?
Prayer: Dear Lord, it's an amazing privilege to serve a God who takes people who are all screw ups and use them in amazing ways. Thank you that you are not exclusive, keeping men from yourself. Thank you for accepting all men and women, and thank you for loving me even though I don't deserve it. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Scripture - Acts 9:15 - But the Lord said to Ananias, "Go! This man is my chosen instrument..."
Observation - I love the definitiveness of God here. "This man is my chosen instrument." It's amazing how even though we can really mess up our lives and literally do exactly the opposite of what God wants us to do, He still has plans to use us in huge ways.
Application - Am I completely surrendered to God to the point where I am purely his instrument to do the works He has for me to do?
Prayer - Dear Lord, thank you for taking ordinary, messed up people and doing extraordinary things through us. I pray that I would be wholly surrendered to you that you may have the right to use me in whatever way you see fit - that I might be your instrument. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Observation - I love the definitiveness of God here. "This man is my chosen instrument." It's amazing how even though we can really mess up our lives and literally do exactly the opposite of what God wants us to do, He still has plans to use us in huge ways.
Application - Am I completely surrendered to God to the point where I am purely his instrument to do the works He has for me to do?
Prayer - Dear Lord, thank you for taking ordinary, messed up people and doing extraordinary things through us. I pray that I would be wholly surrendered to you that you may have the right to use me in whatever way you see fit - that I might be your instrument. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Scripture - Acts 8:36 - "As they traveled along the road, they came to some water and the eunuch said, "Look, here is water. Why shouldn't I be baptized?"
Observation - This story's pretty cool. Philip is told by God to go to this road, but doesn't know why. Once he's there, he encounters this eunuch from Ethiopia who is reading scripture. Through his conversation with Philip, this eunuch recognizes Jesus as his savior and wants to be baptized right away. I love the faith of Philip in this story and the zeal of this eunuch.
Application - Where's my level of faith today? Would I be willing to do whatever God asked me to do even if I don't know why? Along with that, am I as enthusiastic about my faith as this eunuch is about his?
Prayer - Dear Lord, help me to be as faithful as Philip as you call me to do things I may not understand. Along with that, may I be as zealous as this eunuch that wanted to share his faith with the world instantly. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Observation - This story's pretty cool. Philip is told by God to go to this road, but doesn't know why. Once he's there, he encounters this eunuch from Ethiopia who is reading scripture. Through his conversation with Philip, this eunuch recognizes Jesus as his savior and wants to be baptized right away. I love the faith of Philip in this story and the zeal of this eunuch.
Application - Where's my level of faith today? Would I be willing to do whatever God asked me to do even if I don't know why? Along with that, am I as enthusiastic about my faith as this eunuch is about his?
Prayer - Dear Lord, help me to be as faithful as Philip as you call me to do things I may not understand. Along with that, may I be as zealous as this eunuch that wanted to share his faith with the world instantly. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Scripture - Acts 7:60 - Then he [Stephen] fell on his knees and cried out, "Lord, do not hold this sin against them." When he had said this, he fell asleep.
Observation - This verse always amazes me. Stephen has been falsely accused of all kinds of stuff, and on top of that this group of men is throwing big rocks at him until he dies. In the midst of one of the most horrific deaths imaginable, Stephen's response is one of forgiveness and turning the other cheek. What an example to the rest of us.
Application - Sometimes I hold grudges against people because of what they say to me or do to me. After reading this passage, it makes me feel pretty stupid that I would hold a grudge against someone for words they speak, when Stephen offered forgiveness as they were taking his life.
Prayer - Dear Lord, please allow me the insight to love people the way you do. I can't believe you did for me what you did on the cross and for that I'm thankful. Through that work, help me to be Christlike in all my dealings with people, even when they don't have my own best interest in mind. Also, help me to be faithful to pray for my Christian brothers and sisters who do suffer real persecution daily. Give them strength in the face of opposition today. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Observation - This verse always amazes me. Stephen has been falsely accused of all kinds of stuff, and on top of that this group of men is throwing big rocks at him until he dies. In the midst of one of the most horrific deaths imaginable, Stephen's response is one of forgiveness and turning the other cheek. What an example to the rest of us.
Application - Sometimes I hold grudges against people because of what they say to me or do to me. After reading this passage, it makes me feel pretty stupid that I would hold a grudge against someone for words they speak, when Stephen offered forgiveness as they were taking his life.
Prayer - Dear Lord, please allow me the insight to love people the way you do. I can't believe you did for me what you did on the cross and for that I'm thankful. Through that work, help me to be Christlike in all my dealings with people, even when they don't have my own best interest in mind. Also, help me to be faithful to pray for my Christian brothers and sisters who do suffer real persecution daily. Give them strength in the face of opposition today. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Pekin Campus Launch Team Meeting
Saturday May 9 (tomorrow)
10:00 am
BridgeWay Ministry Center
Come hear what God is doing through this campus launch and how you can be a part!
Saturday May 9 (tomorrow)
10:00 am
BridgeWay Ministry Center
Come hear what God is doing through this campus launch and how you can be a part!
***Before you begin! Reaffirm the ‘Vegas’ rule with your group – what happens in small groups stays in small groups. This is very important to talk about every week. Encourage everyone that the environment is safe, and that there is no judgment.
***The reason we do small groups is to ‘belong and become’ – Have a safe group of friends to belong to and become more like Jesus every day. This is the vision of small groups – remind your group of this each week.
1. When you were growing up, who was your hero? Who would you say is your hero today?
2. Have you ever had your hero let you down? What was that like? If not, have you seen a ‘hero’ fall in our world? What did that look like?
3. What makes a hero a hero? Is it accomplishments, character, bravery, etc.?
4. What makes Jesus a hero for everyone? What specifically in your life made Jesus your hero? In other words, what did Jesus save you from?
5. Erwin McManus (a pastor in California) says that, “Jesus died the most heroic death in history, that we might live our most heroic lives for humanity.” In what ways does Jesus command us to be heroes to the world around us? How have you answered that call?
6. What do we need Jesus to save us or others from now? What is going on in our lives that we can pray for? What needs do we have that can only be met by a hero?
As always, end the group with general sharing of prayer requests and prayer. Some groups have found it effective to pray for each request as it’s given, rather than creating the list of requests. Use your discretion as a leader.
***The reason we do small groups is to ‘belong and become’ – Have a safe group of friends to belong to and become more like Jesus every day. This is the vision of small groups – remind your group of this each week.
1. When you were growing up, who was your hero? Who would you say is your hero today?
2. Have you ever had your hero let you down? What was that like? If not, have you seen a ‘hero’ fall in our world? What did that look like?
3. What makes a hero a hero? Is it accomplishments, character, bravery, etc.?
4. What makes Jesus a hero for everyone? What specifically in your life made Jesus your hero? In other words, what did Jesus save you from?
5. Erwin McManus (a pastor in California) says that, “Jesus died the most heroic death in history, that we might live our most heroic lives for humanity.” In what ways does Jesus command us to be heroes to the world around us? How have you answered that call?
6. What do we need Jesus to save us or others from now? What is going on in our lives that we can pray for? What needs do we have that can only be met by a hero?
As always, end the group with general sharing of prayer requests and prayer. Some groups have found it effective to pray for each request as it’s given, rather than creating the list of requests. Use your discretion as a leader.
Have you ever felt like it was all on you? Have you ever felt like if you weren’t there something wouldn’t get done? Have you ever felt like there are people around you who want to help, but you don’t feel like their ready? Have you ever felt like you couldn’t trust anyone but yourself?
I hate to say this, but that’s probably your own fault. I’ve been there. I’ve felt like if I don’t show up, it wouldn’t happen. The reason being is that I didn’t spend enough time developing the leaders around me and giving them opportunity to grow. Many folks feel really honored that you would see leadership potential in them. However, most folks feel as though they don’t have it in them and feel really intimidated at the possibility of leadership. So how do you develop leaders?
The first thing you have to do is prayerfully identify potential leadership. Once identified, the most effective and recommended way to recruit is through one on one vision casting. There is DEFINITELY a time and place for the senior pastor to stand in front and cast vision for volunteering and the need for people to serve spiritually. (Note: that is different from a pastor standing up and begging the congregation for 5 people to serve in the nursery.) However, to effectively recruit a leader, you need to sit down with someone one on one and cast the vision for why they should lead.
This part is fun. Don’t sit down and say, “Hey, we need leaders and you’re not doing anything so you should step up before God smites you!” Rather, sit with them and share with them the way God is speaking to you about that person. Share with them the growth and development spiritually that you’ve seen in their lives and celebrate that with them. Then, cast the vision for what you’re trying to accomplish, not the need you need filled. In other words, don’t say, “we need children’s workers” but “God has called us to impact the lives of children for Jesus Christ every week. We know that 100 years from now the only thing that will matter is a child’s relationship with Jesus. Would you join us on this journey to see these children’s lives transformed by Jesus?” I’m not a big fan of working with kids personally, but if someone came to me all passionate and laid something like that on me, it’d be tough to turn down.
Who is God bringing to mind right now that you need to pray for and recruit?
I hate to say this, but that’s probably your own fault. I’ve been there. I’ve felt like if I don’t show up, it wouldn’t happen. The reason being is that I didn’t spend enough time developing the leaders around me and giving them opportunity to grow. Many folks feel really honored that you would see leadership potential in them. However, most folks feel as though they don’t have it in them and feel really intimidated at the possibility of leadership. So how do you develop leaders?
The first thing you have to do is prayerfully identify potential leadership. Once identified, the most effective and recommended way to recruit is through one on one vision casting. There is DEFINITELY a time and place for the senior pastor to stand in front and cast vision for volunteering and the need for people to serve spiritually. (Note: that is different from a pastor standing up and begging the congregation for 5 people to serve in the nursery.) However, to effectively recruit a leader, you need to sit down with someone one on one and cast the vision for why they should lead.
This part is fun. Don’t sit down and say, “Hey, we need leaders and you’re not doing anything so you should step up before God smites you!” Rather, sit with them and share with them the way God is speaking to you about that person. Share with them the growth and development spiritually that you’ve seen in their lives and celebrate that with them. Then, cast the vision for what you’re trying to accomplish, not the need you need filled. In other words, don’t say, “we need children’s workers” but “God has called us to impact the lives of children for Jesus Christ every week. We know that 100 years from now the only thing that will matter is a child’s relationship with Jesus. Would you join us on this journey to see these children’s lives transformed by Jesus?” I’m not a big fan of working with kids personally, but if someone came to me all passionate and laid something like that on me, it’d be tough to turn down.
Who is God bringing to mind right now that you need to pray for and recruit?
Scripture - Acts 6:7 - "So the word of God spread. The number of disciples in Jerusalem increased rapidly, and a large number of priests became obedient to the faith."
Observation - This verse comes right after a story about delegating responsibility. The disciples were busy doing their Jesus-stuff while there were widows being neglected in receiving of food. So the disciples decided to enlist new volunteers to feed the widows. What I love about the story is that it doesn't end with "So the widows were fed," but with "So the word of God spread." I love it!
Application - What am I doing as a leader to ensure that new people are getting involved in ministry not only for their own benefit, but that the word of God might spread?
Prayer - Dear Lord, thank you for the opportunity to lead. During this 28 days of prayer we have been lifting up to you Celebrate Recovery, the Pekin Campus and all the ministries of BridgeWay. Please speak into the hearts of people today who need to get involved in ministry. Help us at BridgeWay to encourage and recruit new leadership and involvement that the word of God might spread. In Jesus name, Amen.
Observation - This verse comes right after a story about delegating responsibility. The disciples were busy doing their Jesus-stuff while there were widows being neglected in receiving of food. So the disciples decided to enlist new volunteers to feed the widows. What I love about the story is that it doesn't end with "So the widows were fed," but with "So the word of God spread." I love it!
Application - What am I doing as a leader to ensure that new people are getting involved in ministry not only for their own benefit, but that the word of God might spread?
Prayer - Dear Lord, thank you for the opportunity to lead. During this 28 days of prayer we have been lifting up to you Celebrate Recovery, the Pekin Campus and all the ministries of BridgeWay. Please speak into the hearts of people today who need to get involved in ministry. Help us at BridgeWay to encourage and recruit new leadership and involvement that the word of God might spread. In Jesus name, Amen.
Scripture - Acts 5:17 - "Then the high priest and all his associates, who were members of the party of the Sadducees, were filled with jealousy."
Observation - It's ironic, but sometimes Christians can be the most critical of other Christians. Some times Christians that have been Christians for a long time look down on new Christians because of their excitement for Jesus. Some times new Christians can badmouth older Christians because they are stuck in their ways. The truth is, each party is probably jealous of one another.
Application - As Christians we need to celebrate with all Christians when we all have something to celebrate. If someone gets saved in my friends church, all churches should celebrate because we are all part of the same body and Spirit.
Prayer - Dear Lord, fill me with the joy that you promise as a fruit of your Spirit. Help me to be a cheerleader for other churches and other Christians. Help me never to be jealous or petty about something I don't understand, but give you praise and credit because it's larger than I can understand. In Jesus name, Amen.
Observation - It's ironic, but sometimes Christians can be the most critical of other Christians. Some times Christians that have been Christians for a long time look down on new Christians because of their excitement for Jesus. Some times new Christians can badmouth older Christians because they are stuck in their ways. The truth is, each party is probably jealous of one another.
Application - As Christians we need to celebrate with all Christians when we all have something to celebrate. If someone gets saved in my friends church, all churches should celebrate because we are all part of the same body and Spirit.
Prayer - Dear Lord, fill me with the joy that you promise as a fruit of your Spirit. Help me to be a cheerleader for other churches and other Christians. Help me never to be jealous or petty about something I don't understand, but give you praise and credit because it's larger than I can understand. In Jesus name, Amen.
Scripture - Acts 4:8a - "Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, said to them..."
Observation - Luke (the writer of Acts) uses the phrase 'filled with the Holy Spirit' multiple times in Acts. He wants it to be very clear that the transforming work that's being done is being done by God, and not by man.
Application - This is huge for a preacher to remember. There is nothing I have to offer anyone aside from the Holy Spirit. There is no advice, counsel, or thought that is as powerful or transformational as the work of the Holy Spirit. If Luke chronicled all the times I spoke, would he say 'Then Matt, filled with the Holy Spirit, said to them...'? I certainly hope and pray so.
Prayer - Dear Lord, may I always remember that you are the giver of life. We are here only because you allow us to be in your sovereignty. Remind me also that not only are you the giver of life, but the speaker of life as well. Only the words and filling of the Holy Spirit can transform lives. Always allow me to remember that and live my life Spirit filled that I may speak your words and truth to those around me. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Observation - Luke (the writer of Acts) uses the phrase 'filled with the Holy Spirit' multiple times in Acts. He wants it to be very clear that the transforming work that's being done is being done by God, and not by man.
Application - This is huge for a preacher to remember. There is nothing I have to offer anyone aside from the Holy Spirit. There is no advice, counsel, or thought that is as powerful or transformational as the work of the Holy Spirit. If Luke chronicled all the times I spoke, would he say 'Then Matt, filled with the Holy Spirit, said to them...'? I certainly hope and pray so.
Prayer - Dear Lord, may I always remember that you are the giver of life. We are here only because you allow us to be in your sovereignty. Remind me also that not only are you the giver of life, but the speaker of life as well. Only the words and filling of the Holy Spirit can transform lives. Always allow me to remember that and live my life Spirit filled that I may speak your words and truth to those around me. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Scripture - Acts 3:6 - "Then Peter said, 'Silver or gold I do not have, but what I have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.'"
Observation - What's interesting to me about this is the concept of worth. This beggar could not fathom anything out there that would be of more worth than silver or gold. There are many people in our world who feel the same way.
Application - The truth of it is, even if Peter had silver or gold, it wouldn't have meant as much to this guy as the gift of walking. In the same way, God has blessed us each with unique gifts that He allows us to use for Him and to serve others that are way more meaningful than money or possessions.
Prayer - Dear Lord, I thank you for entrusting me with the gifts that you have. I thank you that you see me as worthy to serve you and be in relationship with you. May I always know the value of the Holy Spirit and live life understanding that I already attain the most precious gift imaginable: new life in Jesus Christ. In Jesus' name I give thanks, amen.
Observation - What's interesting to me about this is the concept of worth. This beggar could not fathom anything out there that would be of more worth than silver or gold. There are many people in our world who feel the same way.
Application - The truth of it is, even if Peter had silver or gold, it wouldn't have meant as much to this guy as the gift of walking. In the same way, God has blessed us each with unique gifts that He allows us to use for Him and to serve others that are way more meaningful than money or possessions.
Prayer - Dear Lord, I thank you for entrusting me with the gifts that you have. I thank you that you see me as worthy to serve you and be in relationship with you. May I always know the value of the Holy Spirit and live life understanding that I already attain the most precious gift imaginable: new life in Jesus Christ. In Jesus' name I give thanks, amen.
I love Acts chapter 2!
Scripture - Acts 2:47b "And the lord added to their number daily those who were being saved."
Observation - The move of the Holy Spirit is simply amazing in this chapter. Along with that, the faith of the Apostle's is equally amazing. What I love about it is that these guys weren't constrained by any preconceived notions of how the Spirit moves, they just went with it.
Application - When I read this, my first reaction is "I wish I could have been there for that!" But that's not the right one. My initial reaction should be one of expectation, praying and longing to see God do that in the world today - in BridgeWay today.
Prayer - Dear Lord, help me to have faith like the Apostles. Help me not to have preconceived notions about how you are going to move or on the scale you are going to move. But help me to have Acts 2 expectations of what you want to do in your church. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Scripture - Acts 2:47b "And the lord added to their number daily those who were being saved."
Observation - The move of the Holy Spirit is simply amazing in this chapter. Along with that, the faith of the Apostle's is equally amazing. What I love about it is that these guys weren't constrained by any preconceived notions of how the Spirit moves, they just went with it.
Application - When I read this, my first reaction is "I wish I could have been there for that!" But that's not the right one. My initial reaction should be one of expectation, praying and longing to see God do that in the world today - in BridgeWay today.
Prayer - Dear Lord, help me to have faith like the Apostles. Help me not to have preconceived notions about how you are going to move or on the scale you are going to move. But help me to have Acts 2 expectations of what you want to do in your church. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Over the next 28 days we will be embarking on a journey of prayer, fasting, and scripture reading as a church. Dale and I (on our respective blogs) are going to be sharing what God is saying to us as we read through the book of Acts chapter by chapter over the next 28 days.
I'll be sharing my reflections in the form of S.O.A.P. S.O.A.P. stands for Scripture, Observation, Application, and Prayer.
S - Acts 1: 4, 5, & 8 - "On one occasion, while he [Jesus] was eating with them, he gave them this command: 'Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about. For John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit...But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.'"
O - One of the things we know as Christians is that Jesus is calling us to go as he paraphrases what we know as the 'Great Commission' in this passage. But just like these apostles, we shouldn't go anywhere until we have spent time receiving direction from the Holy Spirit.
A - Am I spending enough time listening for God's instruction before I go do His work?
P - Dear God, help me to realize that you are my guide. Help me to spend more and more time each day seeking your will and direction for my life. Remind me constantly of my need for you and put in my heart a desire to pray and to be in your Word. Thank you for your direction in my life to this point and I surrender all direction to you. In Jesus name, Amen.
I'll be sharing my reflections in the form of S.O.A.P. S.O.A.P. stands for Scripture, Observation, Application, and Prayer.
S - Acts 1: 4, 5, & 8 - "On one occasion, while he [Jesus] was eating with them, he gave them this command: 'Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about. For John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit...But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.'"
O - One of the things we know as Christians is that Jesus is calling us to go as he paraphrases what we know as the 'Great Commission' in this passage. But just like these apostles, we shouldn't go anywhere until we have spent time receiving direction from the Holy Spirit.
A - Am I spending enough time listening for God's instruction before I go do His work?
P - Dear God, help me to realize that you are my guide. Help me to spend more and more time each day seeking your will and direction for my life. Remind me constantly of my need for you and put in my heart a desire to pray and to be in your Word. Thank you for your direction in my life to this point and I surrender all direction to you. In Jesus name, Amen.
A note from our leader:
Dear Church,
God is on the move. God is leading us into new ministry fronts that are exciting and challenging. God is also calling us to pray for His direction and His will. This Saturday at Leadership Community, that’s exactly what we’re going to do. WE NEED YOU THERE. Please, make Saturday morning a priority.
Leadership Community is this Saturday at 10:00 at the BridgeWay Ministry Center.
Dear Church,
God is on the move. God is leading us into new ministry fronts that are exciting and challenging. God is also calling us to pray for His direction and His will. This Saturday at Leadership Community, that’s exactly what we’re going to do. WE NEED YOU THERE. Please, make Saturday morning a priority.
Leadership Community is this Saturday at 10:00 at the BridgeWay Ministry Center.
My wife and I paid my truck off this week! Losing a car payment is a big deal and helps in the old pocketbook. Now the plan is to drive my truck until the wheels fall off. I do not want another vehicle payment anytime soon. The key to keeping the truck up and running as long as possible is preventative maintenance – changing the oil, regular tune ups, taking it in to get looked at if it starts acting up, etc. It seems obvious, but ignoring those things can lead to my truck literally blowing up and ceasing to work completely.
As leaders – especially spiritual leaders – we have to do ‘preventative maintenance’ in our lives as well. I saw an interview this week that Pastor Steven Furtick of Elevation Church in Charlotte did with Ted Haggard. The interview was extraordinary, very moving. Haggard talked about how he knew he had sin issues in his life, but kept it secret for fear of losing his ministry and marriage. He advises us that if we have a secret in our life, it will have power over us until it no longer becomes a secret. If it’s a secret sin, God wants to get that out of our lives and wants it to come to light – either the easy way (we confess it to someone else) or the hard way (what happened to Haggard).
Essentially, Haggard is calling for preventative maintenance (which he wishes he would have done). Just like my truck, if there are problems with my truck that arise and I ignore them, disaster is immanent. In our own lives spiritually, we are headed for disaster if we do not take seriously the power sin can have in our lives – and do something about it.
Furtick closes the message by telling his church that he prays that he would “lead you well, finish well, and walk with integrity.” I like that. The only way that happens is through ‘preventative maintenance’ of the soul.
What preventative maintenance needs to be done in your life today?
As leaders – especially spiritual leaders – we have to do ‘preventative maintenance’ in our lives as well. I saw an interview this week that Pastor Steven Furtick of Elevation Church in Charlotte did with Ted Haggard. The interview was extraordinary, very moving. Haggard talked about how he knew he had sin issues in his life, but kept it secret for fear of losing his ministry and marriage. He advises us that if we have a secret in our life, it will have power over us until it no longer becomes a secret. If it’s a secret sin, God wants to get that out of our lives and wants it to come to light – either the easy way (we confess it to someone else) or the hard way (what happened to Haggard).
Essentially, Haggard is calling for preventative maintenance (which he wishes he would have done). Just like my truck, if there are problems with my truck that arise and I ignore them, disaster is immanent. In our own lives spiritually, we are headed for disaster if we do not take seriously the power sin can have in our lives – and do something about it.
Furtick closes the message by telling his church that he prays that he would “lead you well, finish well, and walk with integrity.” I like that. The only way that happens is through ‘preventative maintenance’ of the soul.
What preventative maintenance needs to be done in your life today?