Moving on up?

Posted by Matt On 7:41 AM
Recently, my life has undergone several big changes in a good way. I ended a wrestling match with God (I tapped out) to follow His call on my life into a different area of ministry. That meant I had to leave a job and church that I loved, sell our house, move an hour and a half south, buy a new house, accept a new position at an awesome church, while my wife resigned her job in Ottawa with no job lined up in our new town. This has been an incredible experience and God has proven Himself faithful over and over again.

This transition spurred after a year and a half of feeling God move in my life and change my calling from student ministry to an administrative role. When I would tell people what my new position was, several people would comment along the lines of "well, you're moving up, so that's good." This perception of student ministry really bothers me. I don't consider my move to be a move up, I consider it to be lateral at best.

All of those folks in the world that are student pastors do it because they are called to it and God is using them in that field. It is not an entry level position, it's not the easy job we'll give anyone, it's a calling, it's a ministry, and it deserves as much respect as any other ministry position out there.

In my tenure as student pastor, I had sleepless nights praying for students, parents that chewed me up and spit me out, and moments that God moved in ways that are indescribable. And I was only in student ministry for four years!

The shift in my calling was simply that, a shift. I don't consider it a move up, so please don't say that to me. To all of you in student ministry, I salute you, and want you to know that if you are ever looking for a supporter, look me up!

2 Responses to 'Moving on up?'

  1. Unknown said...'> April 3, 2008 at 5:53 AM

    Ottawa Ohio?
    -Michael Walthour


  2. Matt said...'> April 3, 2008 at 8:05 AM



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