Matt's Week in Summation/Lessons Learned

Posted by Matt On 7:51 AM
Monday: Went with Dale on a fishing expedition that nearly ended with BridgeWay needing to fill two staff roles due to the rain/lightning storm we got caught in.
Lesson: Check the radar before you go fishing.

Tuesday: Had a series of meetings an appointments that literally went all day. Every single one of them was enjoyable and productive. The day culminated with me being able to minorly contribute to the parade float for about 20 minutes.
Lesson: The world is full of leaders waiting to be developed.

Wednesday: Worked on Connection Group material for Sunday, hammered out details for the Party in the Park, and a bunch of other stuff. The day ended with an Advisory Council meeting that was simply incredible.
Lesson: Dream God sized dreams, and most often, they still won't be big enough.

Thursday: Went to Ottawa for a district pastor's meeting. Picked up some great small group leader material. Got to hang out with the old staff for a bit. Made some phone calls that God had put on my mind - after making them, I know why He put them on my mind.
Lesson: When God asks you to do something, there's a good reason so DO IT!

Friday: I'm sitting in the office writing this in the midst of a PACKED week, but needed to put these thoughts down somewhere. Today is going to be another full day of meetings and parade preparation, followed by a Saturday of a parade, a wedding, and more preparation, which is of course followed by Sunday.
Lesson: God is so good, so faithful, and so graceful to allow me to participate in anything relating to Him.

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