Friday Leadership Post - Surrender

Posted by Matt On 7:09 AM

I heard a message the other day by Dr. J.K. Warrick that has been killing me ever since and I’m going to do my best to summarize it here.

In John 6, there is a story about Jesus feeding 5,000 people with five loaves of bread and two fish. That is pretty amazing, but the path Jesus took to get there was even cooler. There are thousands of hungry people around and Jesus poses the question (paraphrase), “how are we to feed these people?” Philip speaks up and basically says, “Come on, Jesus! Be serious, there is no way we can feed these people!” Andrew at least makes an effort, coming back to Jesus with 5 loaves and two fish. Even then, he is still not sure saying, “How in the world is this going to do any good among so many people?” Andrew however, received the food from “a boy.” We don’t know his name, but he was the smartest one out there apparently since he was the only one to bring food in the first place.

As Warrick was speaking he asked the question, “What if the boy had said, ‘No.’ Or what if he had said to Jesus, ‘You can have 4 loaves and 1 fish, but I’m keeping the rest for myself.’” That line hit me hard. The reason Jesus is able to take this meager amount and make it grand is because it was fully surrendered to Him. Our lives are but meager offerings, meager amounts. Alone we cannot accomplish much. But just like Jesus took this boy’s meager offering and made it huge, he wants to take our meager lives and work through them in remarkable ways.

God seldom works by himself in this world; he typically works through people. If we want to be great leaders, it takes that full surrender to God. What’s holding you back from being used by God? Maybe you’re like Philip and Andrew and would rather make excuses than do what God asks you to do. What are you holding onto that you simply won’t let God have? Maybe you’re the four loaves and one fish kind of person. Don’t let a loaf and a fish keep you from the life God has for you.

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