***Remember that we always start LIFEGROUPS reminding the group that the purpose of LIFEGROUPS is to ‘belong and become.’ To find a group of people we can connect to and build friendships, and become more like Jesus each day.
***Also reinforce the ‘Vegas Rule’ – what happens in LIFEGROUP, stays in LIFEGROUP.
Healer: Week 1
1. What’s the most miraculous ‘healing’ you’ve ever seen, been a part of, or experienced personally?
2. Craig’s testimony was about being diagnosed with cancer and given 2 months to live. How do you think you’d react if you were put in that situation? What impact would that have on you spiritually?
3. Craig talked about how God’s presence was with him especially in His darkest times. Has there been a moment in your life when you could sense God’s presence with you? Can you describe that time?
4. In Philippians 3:10, Paul talks about identifying with Christ in His suffering. Have you ever felt like you were ‘suffering’? Do you have a desire like Paul to suffer in order to know Christ more? Why or why not? If you knew the only way you could grow in your relationship with Jesus was through suffering, would you suffer? Why or why not?
5. What needs do we see in our friends and families that we need to pray for God to heal? What needs do we have in our own lives that we need to ask God to heal?
***Always close your group with a time of prayer. As a leader, you can lead this or you can all share in the requests praying for one another. You need to know where your group is at to determine what would be most comfortable in that setting. i.e. don’t ask people to pray in the group if you’re not sure they’re ready to.
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