LIFEGROUP Questions 3/14/2010

Posted by Matt On 10:49 AM



***Remember that we always start LIFEGROUPS reminding the group that the purpose of LIFEGROUPS is to ‘belong and become.’ To find a group of people we can connect to and build friendships, and become more like Jesus each day.

***Also reinforce the ‘Vegas Rule’ – what happens in LIFEGROUP, stays in LIFEGROUP.

Healer: Week 2

1. If you could be any character on TV, who would you be and why?

2. This week we heard a story from Chris about his brother who passed away after a battle with leukemia. Who have you known that’s passed away that left a significant positive legacy that affected you? What was their legacy and why was it so meaningful to you?

3. Many people believe in Jesus, some people hope in Jesus, but discovering our Healer means we learn to trust in Jesus. What does it mean to ‘trust’ in Jesus? What does that look like?

4. We know that the tongue has the power of life and death. When was a time when someone spoke words of ‘death’ to you? When was a time someone spoke words of ‘life’ to you? Do you have the tendency to speak more words of life or more words of death? Why?

5. The Bible tells us to carry each other’s burdens and in this way we fulfill the law of Christ (Galatians 6:2). As a group, who is someone we know that is going through a difficult time that as a group we can help to carry their burdens?

***Always close your group with a time of prayer. As a leader, you can lead this or you can all share in the requests praying for one another. You need to know where your group is at to determine what would be most comfortable in that setting. i.e. don’t ask people to pray in the group if you’re not sure they’re ready to.

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