Another great day, here are some thoughts:
  • First off, if you missed today's service in Pekin, you missed a big announcement. Today was our last day at the Pekin Movie Theater. Starting next Sunday we will be meeting at the Morton Cinemas in Morton with the Morton Campus.
  • Thank you so much to those of you who have been praying and fasting with us as we've made this decision. Your prayers made a difference!
  • This move was made because we couldn't find an adequate/functional location in Pekin - and we looked at more than 30 locations!
  • We also realize that we can't sustain financially in the movie theater in Pekin, seeing as it costs three times as much per week to rent as our facility in Morton.
  • So we are making this move, believing that God is not saying, "no" to Pekin, but "not now."
  • We really do see this as a pause button to the work in Pekin, and we'll be ready to go back when everything pans out for us to be able to.
  • I want to thank everyone who has been so supportive about the move. That's pretty much anyone I've talked to!
  • If you are a Pekinite and need a way to get to Morton, let me know! We'll get you a ride for Sunday. Seriously, it's NO PROBLEM!
  • As far as today goes, our teams were stellar as always and the band was really cookin today.
  • We were majorly thrashed attendance wise because of all of the illness going around.
  • But we had a great service anyway!
  • It was a lot of fun to 'race' Jake to Morton and back. Thanks to Jake for taking time out of his week to help us out.
  • The message today was great and really timely not only for the move of the campus, but for where we all live today.
  • It was exciting to think about how Jesus will be our 'resolution' to the story, as He promises to turn our grief to joy. What a promise!
  • So remember, next week we're in Morton!
  • Service times are 9:30 & 11:00 with Children's Activities during both; both services are identical.
  • Any questions? Shoot me an email at or call me at 291-0320.

Have a great week! See you in Morton!

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