LIFEGROUP Questions for 11/15/09

Posted by Matt On 8:34 AM



***Remember that we always start LIFEGROUPS reminding the group that the purpose of LIFEGROUPS is to ‘belong and become.’ To find a group of people we can connect to and build friendships, and become more like Jesus each day.

***Also reinforce the ‘Vegas Rule’ – what happens in LIFEGROUP, stays in LIFEGROUP.

Greater Things Week 2: Greater Love

1. What is your favorite love story? If you’re married or engaged, would you tell the story of your relationship?

2. When you think about love, what comes to your mind? How do you show love to those around you?

3. How does God shape our idea of what love is? God showed us His love for us by sending His son to die for our sins (see John 3:16-17). How do we show God that we love Him?

4. What is more valuable to you: money or time? How do we show God we love him through the way we manage our finances? How do we show God we love Him through the way we manage our time?

5. What next step do you need to take in the way that you are managing your finances?

  • · Give an offering for the first time (you’ve never given any money, but want to start)
  • · Become a regular giver (giving on a more consistent basis)
  • · Begin tithing (giving the first 10% of every paycheck to God)
  • · Become an extravagant giver (giving more than a tithe on a regular basis)

6. What fears do you have in taking this next step? Someone in your group has taken the step you’re going to take. If that’s you, could you share how God has blessed you as you’ve taken this next step that your friend is about to take?

7. Last week, we took time to pray for those in our lives who do not know Jesus. How could our obedience to God in our finances and our time have an impact on those who do not know Jesus? Let’s close with a time of prayer not only for our obedience to God in these areas, but again for our friends and family who do not know Jesus.

***Always close your group with a time of prayer. As a leader, you can lead this or you can all share in the requests praying for one another. You need to know where your group is at to determine what would be most comfortable in that setting. i.e. don’t ask people to pray in the group if you’re not sure they’re ready to.

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