Life Group Discussion Questions 3/1/09

Posted by Matt On 6:58 AM

***Before you begin! Reaffirm the ‘Vegas’ rule with your group – what happens in small groups stays in small groups. This is very important to talk about every week. Encourage everyone that the environment is safe, and that there is no judgment.

***The reason we do small groups is to ‘belong and become’ – Have a safe group of friends to belong to and become more like Jesus every day. This is the vision of small groups – remind your group of this each week.

1. Have you ever seen someone who had too much on their plate for one person to handle? What kinds of things were they struggling with? Have you ever been there?

2. They myth that ‘God won’t give you more than you can handle’ came from 1 Corinthians 10:13. What’s this verse talking about? Why have we made this verse about everything rather than simply about temptation?

3. Moses (Exodus 18:17-23; Numbers 11:13-14), and Elijah (1 Kings 19:1-8) are pillars of the Old Testament – some of the most Godly men in the Bible. All of them had a moment where their load was ‘too much’ or ‘too heavy’ for them to bear. What was your initial reaction when you heard that? What do you think was the point that they decided the load was too much? How did God respond to each one of them?

4. David (Psalm 38:4) is also one of the most revered figures in the Bible. David came to a point where the sin in his life was more than he could bear. Have you ever felt that way? What did you do to relieve that feeling?

5. God wants us to do two things in response to a heavy load: give the load to Him, and share the load with others. In all honesty all of the folks around this table are living lives and are in situations that are too much for one person to handle. What’s the load in your life that you need to share with others right now? How can we pray for one another?

As always, end the group with general sharing of prayer requests and prayer. Some groups have found it effective to pray for each request as it’s given, rather than creating the list of requests. Use your discretion as a leader.

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