Friday Leadership Post - Celebration

Posted by Matt On 11:48 AM
I’m standing on the brink of a big achievement in my life; earning my Master’s Degree. I actually finished up class yesterday. I have to go out to Jersey next week and give a presentation on Saturday, but on Sunday I get to walk across the stage and receive my diploma. I’m excited about being done with all of the assignments, group projects, daily online posting, etc., but I’m really more excited to share this experience with my family.

My nature in dealing with this kind of stuff is to essentially climb one mountain and from the peak of that mountain look forward at all of the other things I have to do, rather than look backwards at how far I’ve come. I really think this is a personality flaw. There’s nothing wrong with hard work and planning, but there is something wrong with not taking a moment to celebrate major life moments.

I love Luke chapter 15 in the Bible. It talks about a lost sheep, a lost coin, and a lost son. Even more common was the fact that all three were found, and upon being found a huge celebration took place. When the son was found, the proud father said, “We HAD to celebrate…”

One of my favorite Rob Bell quotes is something to the effect of “the church has nothing to say to the world until it can throw better parties.” I love that. There is so much good that happens in our lives that we don’t celebrate. We HAVE to celebrate, God’s been so good to us. When you hit those life moments that are just incredible, stop, thank God, and throw a huge blowout party celebrating what God had done for you. So, celebrate good times, come on! (Sorry, I couldn’t resist)

What’s God done for you that you HAVE to celebrate?

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