***Before you begin! Reaffirm the ‘Vegas’ rule with your group – what happens in small groups stays in small groups. This is very important to talk about every week. Encourage everyone that the environment is safe, and that there is no judgment.
***The reason we do small groups is to ‘belong and become’ – Have a safe group of friends to belong to and become more like Jesus every day. This is the vision of small groups – remind your group of this each week.
***Be sure to point your group to the website every week of this series:
1. When you think of a team, what comes to mind? What have been some of your favorite sports teams throughout your life? What teams do you currently work or serve on? What are some keys of being on a successful team?
2. Read Nehemiah 2:17-18. Dale talked about winning teams are teams that are unified. What are areas of our lives that we seek unity? What does it take to bring unity to these areas? Why is a unified church so powerful? What does it take to bring unity to a church?
3. Read Nehemiah 3:1-2. This section of Nehemiah details all of the different people that helped rebuild the walls of the city. Why is it important to not only have a ‘unified’ team, but a deep team as well? What are the keys to being a deep team?
4. Read Nehemiah 3:5. Winning teams do whatever it takes to win. The nobles made excuses to not fulfill the work of rebuilding the wall. At what point after you start attending a church are you officially ‘part of the team?’ At what point after being in the church do you no longer have to serve? What excuses or reasons do people make to avoid getting involved in serving in the church?
5. At the end of service, Dale gave opportunity to get involved through the Volunteer Brochure, as well as the Volunteer Expo. What areas did each of us sign up for? What areas are we considering getting involved in?
As always, end the group with general sharing of prayer requests and prayer. Some groups have found it effective to pray for each request as it’s given, rather than creating the list of requests. Use your discretion as a leader.
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