Friday Leadership Post - Jesus the Priest

Posted by Matt On 7:16 AM
Mark Driscoll is a church planter in Seattle, and he describes the leadership of Jesus in three ways: Jesus the Prophet, Jesus the King, and Jesus the Priest.

Jesus has a pretty good reputation, and deservedly so. He had a grasp of what was going on around him that was simply amazing. He understood people, their needs, and what they needed to hear when they encountered him. Jesus was extremely kind hearted to those whom society hated. He let the little children come to him when his disciples thought it a bad idea. He didn’t function under the norms of society, but rather through the norms of the Kingdom of Heaven. He loved the outcasts, the sinners, the diseased, the children, and even women (who at that time were basically seen as pieces of property). Jesus was ‘full of compassion and abounding in love.’

This is the call for leaders as well. I think we’ve all seen pastors like this; pastors who seemed to just walk around and ooze compassion for everyone. As Christian leaders, we are called to function like Jesus in this way. There’s a reason why Jesus was prophet, King, and priest, because he held all of these in check with one another. Jesus showed very little compassion to the religious rulers of the day, but overwhelming compassion for the outcasts of society. Why? Because Jesus knew that the Pharisees didn’t need compassion, but to hear the truth. He also knew that for the outcasts of society to hear the truth, they must be shown compassion. More than that, Jesus was genuinely compassionate for those whom society had written off. Showing this compassion comes naturally for some and requires a lot of prayer for others.

Who are you leading right now that you know you need to show more compassion towards? Who are you leading that you know doesn’t need compassion, but needs to hear the truth?

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