Party in the Park Reflections

Posted by Matt On 6:01 AM
Incredible day at BridgeWay! Like Dale said, I really don't know what to say without making this post about three pages long, but here are the highlights:
  • 37 people baptized! Let that sink in...37 people. Incredible!
  • The band was incredible today. You could tell the were really feeding off of the cheering for the baptisms.
  • It was pretty cool when every single person came out of the water they were greeted with an explosion of applause and cheering. It rivaled any sporting event I've ever been to!
  • Everything with the Food and Carnival part of the day went off without a hitch; as well as it possible could. Thanks to about the 40 different volunteers it took to see Party in the Park happen. They are the best around! You all made a huge impact for Jesus today.
  • I was jealous of Ben and Rick. Their job was to stand right next to the baptistery and help people out, so they got a front row seat!
  • Thanks especially to Kevin Grose, Michael Dorsey, and Eric Decker for spending several hours on Saturday helping set everything up. Michael spent the night in the park to guard our equipment! What a trooper.
  • I am recovering from a hypothermic state after spending about 15 minutes in the dunk tank. IT WAS COLD! Did you see how hard some of those kids could throw!?!?! Next year we should require performance enhancing drug tests.
  • The Cornhole Tournament was pretty successful, I think we had 16 teams. In all fairness, I will say that my wife and her partner went further in the tournament than me and my partner. I won't tell you who my partner was, but I will give you a clue: he's the Lead Pastor at BridgeWay.
  • Thanks to said Lead Pastor for the cash to give my truck a bath after we hauled all the garbage away for the day. I'm not sure what was going on in those bags, but you could smell it in Chicago it was so bad!

Thanks again to everyone for making Party in the Park a great day! Don't forget - the new series "Soul Cravings" starts this week. Don't miss it!

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