Part of being a small group leader is facilitating pastoral care to the members of your group. Sometimes this can seem like a scary notion to people – “I’m no pastor!” or “I can’t act like a pastor!” What does this really mean?
Pastoral care in its simplest form means a few things. First, you listen. People will see you as a spiritual authority. That means they may ask you questions or want to pour out their life to you. That’s ok. When they do, listen. This seems really simple, but it’s a huge part of pastoral care.
Secondly, pray. More often than not, people need someone to talk to rather than someone to tell them what to do. Along with that, offering advice isn’t always the best idea. The best idea is to point them back to Jesus Christ. That means right there, pray for them. This could be at church, in your home, at a restaurant, at a baseball game, in the car (eyes open if you’re driving), anywhere. Just pray.
Third, remember and follow up. Remember the conversation you had together. In the next couple days, give that person a call and just touch base with them. Let them know you’re praying and that you’re available.
That’s pretty simple, but highly effective. God doesn’t call us to do this stuff under our own
strength, but under his. In 1 Peter 4:8, he says, “If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God…so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ.” So next time you’re blessed with a pastoral call issue, praise God and start praying!
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