***Remember that we always start LIFEGROUPS reminding the group that the purpose of LIFEGROUPS is to ‘belong and become.’ To find a group of people we can connect to and build friendships, and become more like Jesus each day.
***Also reinforce the ‘Vegas Rule’ – what happens in LIFEGROUP, stays in LIFEGROUP.
Til Death Week 4: Protect
1. Describe the first ‘date’ that you and your spouse had. When did you know that they were ‘the one?’
2. When you think of protecting your marriage, what comes to mind?
3. The Bible talks about Adam and Eve both being ‘naked, and they felt no shame.’ Why do you think some people fear being completely 100% honest and transparent with their spouse?
4. The Bible talks about wives respecting their husbands and husbands loving their wives. (Ephesians 5:33) Why do you think the Bible makes this distinction? How have you seen the concepts of love and respect play out in your marriage? How do they go hand in hand?
5. Over this series, there has been a lot of advice given to married folks. What has been your biggest takeaway as an individual during these four weeks? What has been your biggest takeaway as a couple during these four weeks?
6. How can we pray for one another as we close this time together?
***Always close your group with a time of prayer. As a leader, you can lead this or you can all share in the requests praying for one another. You need to know where your group is at to determine what would be most comfortable in that setting. i.e. don’t ask people to pray in the group if you’re not sure they’re ready to.
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