Friday Leadership Post - Mowing the Ditch

Posted by Matt On 12:17 PM

When my wife and I lived in our first home, we had a good sized backyard that butted up right against a corn field. There was no fence around the yard, so our grass went right up to the edge of the field. At the back of the yard, there was a ditch that dropped off about 2 feet from our yard into the cornfield. I hated this ditch. Every time I mowed, I would have an internal debate about whether or not I should mow this ditch or not. After all, I was literally the only one who ever saw it, let alone even gave it a second thought. However, the good Matt always won out and the ditch was always mowed.

In my life, I have a few ‘ditches’ if you will. These are areas that no other human sees but me, and it can be really tempting to let them grow over and be unkempt. Everyone has these areas to some degree, and it’s a decision of discipline more than anything else to decide that you indeed will ‘mow these ditches.’

I just got back from a week away with my family and God did a couple of really special things in my life during that time. First of all he gave me some significant rest that I was in need of, spiritually and physically. Secondly, he really fired me up to get out the mower and get to mowing. There are areas that I had not necessarily been avoiding, but not nearly paying enough attention to in my life that He really challenged me to get back into.

There were days when it was 95 degrees outside and muggy and it seemed really appealing to leave that ditch to grow. However, every time I mowed it, I had a feeling of accomplishment and fulfillment. The same is true for us spiritually.

What ditch is God challenging you to mow?

2 Responses to 'Friday Leadership Post - Mowing the Ditch'

  1. Dale said...'> December 11, 2009 at 2:33 PM

    I shaved my goatee this week, and hadn't shaved it for 7 years...that's kinda like a ditch.


  2. Matt said...'> December 15, 2009 at 11:39 AM

    Lol, yeah kinda.


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