On a Sunday morning, it’s tough to stand up in 2 minutes and tell you all the what’s, why’s, when’s, where’s, and how’s of LIFEGROUPS. Many times, we can’t spend as much time on the why as we’d like to. The phrase you’ve heard us say a lot is that groups are for ‘belonging and becoming.’ I’d like to tell you why & how belonging happens, through the use of magic. Actually, I’m just going to tell a story.
When I was in college, I was forced to attend (it was mandatory to pass a class I was in) a training on LIFEGROUPs by a very well known and reputable organization that specializes in LIFEGROUP ministry. The conference was Friday night and all day Saturday, and I was going to miss Notre Dame’s game on Saturday. Needless to say, I was neither pleased nor expecting to get anything out of this experience.
As we began, I wasn’t quite sure about what to expect. I had had limited LIFEGROUP experiences, and frankly was indifferent towards the process. My worst fear is that I would be stuck in a group of folks that would be asking me to spill my deepest secrets as they wept and sang Kum-ba-yah. The room was full of about 200 people. As the presenter began describing LIFEGROUPs and the way that LIFEGROUPs work, I became more intrigued. Shortly there after, he asked us to break into groups of 4 with people we didn’t know and began working this LIFEGROUP process that he had been describing. Ok, time to freak out, right? I mean, getting with 3 other people I don’t know and having conversations? This is just too far!
As we broke into groups, a funny thing happened, I LIKED IT! The people I was with were just as leery about this as I was, so we sat around and made small talk for awhile. The ice broke pretty quickly and we began to get to know one another. Even now, I can still remember some of the people, and what we talked about. As the evening went on, the presenter would present a concept for a few minutes, and then as a group we would put the concept into action.
By the end of the first night, I had hit it off so well with the group, that we all went out and saw a movie together! That’s crazy to think about. I mean, three hours beforehand we didn’t even know each other existed and after three hours we’re intentionally hanging out together. What I’ve seen since then is that this is a common occurrence in most LIFEGROUPS at BridgeWay. People attend a group with fear and trepidation and end up loving it, and loving the people they’re with.
I can’t tell you how these simple friendships end up being so much more meaningful. For instance in our LIFEGROUP this past year, we all became pretty fast friends. Half way through the year, my wife and I and another couple each had our first child. I can’t tell you how much our LIFEGROUP helped us through that time by providing meals, running errands for us, offering advice to first time parents, and praying for us. We are blessed to have such an awesome LIFEGROUP and that’s why we’re so adamant that everyone join one because we want everyone to have an experience just like that.
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