- This Sunday resembled a Sunday in January more than the last Sunday in March. We probably got anywhere from 3-6 inches of snow throughout the county!
- Driving in for set up took about 35 minutes instead of the usual 15 because not a single road had been plowed. And that was with 4 wheel drive on - not cool man, not cool.
- Set up went well, even for an odd morning, all the guys showed up ready to go. Those guys rock!
- The services were stellar as well, both at 9:30 and 11:00.
- I was loving the funky sound to open this morning. As Nate said, it was like a "funky fresh BridgeWay" today.
- The Mythbuster topic was myths about sacraments (baptism and communion). The band set up baptism with "Washed by the Water." Fantastic song.
- It was tough to cover a lot of ground quickly regarding both baptism and communion today, but God was moving (as always).
- I really enjoyed talking about these two sacraments through the lens of relationship rather than ritual. Sometimes we participate in the sacraments in a very mundane fashion, rather than through the joy of Christ that He has brought into our lives.
- A great time of communion at the end with some powerful songs about the blood of Jesus shed for us.
- I AM SO PUMPED FOR EASTER! It is going to be an insane day, and God is going to move in the hearts of many people.
- Lori Gama did a great job yesterday with the informational meeting regarding Honduras. We had 28 people there yesterday and 14 commited to go yesterday. Way to go Lori!
- Big shout out to Connie, Nate, and the students from Switch for helping with the 'myth' this week. I walked into Switch and there were a ton of students there! It's a hoppin place, so check it out Thursday nights at 7:00 at the BridgeWay Ministry Center.
- I enjoyed the privilege of taking a nap while watching golf this afternoon. Tiger Woods is amazing - he came back from 5 strokes down at the start of the round to win the tournament on his last putt. The guy's a stud, what can you say.
- That's all for tonight - keep praying for Easter, sign up to get involved for that day if you haven't yet, and keep asking God who it is that He would have you invite!
Have a good night!
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