The creativity is kind of gone this week - it's been a really weird week. I think that's the best way to describe it. It's been a week of seepy basement walls, ripping out drywall, meeting after meeting, school work that is driving me bananas, a clogged drain in the basement, and on and on we go.
In spite of all that, it's also been pretty cool. I got to celebrate 4 years of marriage with my beautiful wife, my wife and I celebrated with my family the anticipated arrival of the newest Robinson (Brooke's pregnant), I got to see my little brother get married, spend time with family that I haven't seen in about a decade (or longer), went fishing with my dad, made dinner with my mom, hung out with my sister and her husband, had a rediculous pain filled paintball bachelor party, and just had an awesome time overall.
I wasn't at BridgeWay on Sunday, and truthfully, I really missed it. I missed the people, the music, the preaching - even the 6:30 am set up! I was gone and we had one of the largest attendances ever for a regular Sunday and more than that saw 7 people give their lives to the Lord. I told Dale that I'll be gone every week if we're guaranteed that result!
I guess the point of my rambling here is just to pause and thank God for how incredibly good He is to me. I can't thank him enough for anything I mentioned above, even the fact that I would be allowed to own a house that had a leaky basement. God rocks, and I thank Him for all of you who are reading this. Thanks for being part of my life.
I'm so happy for you and Brooke! Glad I can officially say Congrats!!! By the way Happy Father's DAY! I can also say that to you!! :) Glad you had a great time with family but two and and 1/2 of you were missed!! ; )
Congrats, fellow father-to-be!