What a great day yesterday! Here are some thoughts on another winner at BridgeWay:
  • It was a real privilege to speak today as we continued our series Modern Family. We talked about shaping the future of our children and families.
  • Dale was in Fishers, IN today working with Landon and the team at a NewStart Church that has their Grand Opening next week. Be praying for these folks as they get ready to impact that city for Jesus.
  • We also had another ministry team out in Champaign today helping a church with an outdoor service. It's great to see God using BridgeWay in so many ways on one day!
  • We talked about step one in shaping the future of your family was to have a vision for where you wanted your family to end up.
  • I talked about the vision God gave Dale for BridgeWay - "that people who are disconnected from the church would be encouraged and equipped to follow God's purposes for their lives." I asked for a show of hands of people who would consider themselves disconnected from the church prior to coming to BridgeWay. In both services, at least 75% of the people there had their hands raised!!!! God is doing some awesome stuff!
  • We also talked about how it's tough to lead your family on the mission God has for you if you don't know what God's mission for your life is. This past Friday I was talking to a mentor of mine who shared with me a tool that he uses with people in his church to find their mission in life. It's pretty awesome. If you're interested in working through that tool with me, let me know (mattrobinson6504@gmail.com).
  • Also, wanted to give a big shout out to the set up team for setting up in a torrential down pour. Always fun! These guys are troopers and never complain and are happy to serve.
  • Reminder, we are moving to Tremont High School starting October 3! This should be a pretty great move for our church. We have an informational meeting this Sunday, September 26 at 5:00 pm at the BridgeWay Ministry Center. Come join us!
  • We were also challenged by Dale to be praying and fasting this week for this move to Tremont, as well as for the families in our church as we are in the midst of this Modern Family series.
  • Want to give a shout out to my lady, as she celebrated her 29th birthday yesterday! I'm blessed to have an awesome wife who loves Jesus and is a great mother to our son. Happy Birthday Brooke!
  • The Colts brought it last night and got a phatty win against the Giants - a great way to end an awesome day!

Keep praying BridgeWay - the best is yet to come!

I ran across this quote this morning and I can’t get it out of my head: “The way we spend our days is the way we spend our lives.”

Upon first read, this seems like a pretty ‘duh’ type statement. However, there is a profoundness to this statement that won’t leave me alone.

This leads to the question, well, how am I spending my days? More importantly, how am I spending my days compared to how I desire to spend my life? That’s the most important question, and like any good planning exercise, we have to begin with the end in mind: “When all is said and done and I look back on my life, how do I want to have lived it?”

I have a few ‘greatest fears.’ Some involve my family, but only one involves me. My fear for myself is that I will come up short of the plans God has for me to accomplish regarding his work in the world. So how am I spending my days to ensure this doesn’t happen?

I decided to unpack how I’ve spent this week. It’s been a week of preparation for Party in the Park, a volunteer meeting, and LIFEGROUP sign ups kick off for next week, among other things. Along with all that, I’ve gotten to have some great conversations with folks about what God is doing in their lives, and through those conversations I’ve been grown and shaped as well. To be able to plan on 31 people being baptized, plus countless others positively impacted by the church, what could be better than that?

I really am blessed to be able to spend my time doing stuff that will make a difference for eternity. I’m blessed beyond words and grateful to God and this church for these opportunities and am thrilled about how I get to spend my days.

What about you? Where do you want to end up in life? Is the way you’re spending your days going to get you there? If not, what are you going to do about it?

God bless you on your journey to a life well spent.

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