LIFEGROUP Questions for Both Campuses
***Remember that we always start LIFEGROUPS reminding the group that the purpose of LIFEGROUPS is to ‘belong and become.’ To find a group of people we can connect to and build friendships, and become more like Jesus each day.
***Also reinforce the ‘Vegas Rule’ – what happens in LIFEGROUP, stays in LIFEGROUP.
Uncertainty Final Week: Certain Leaders
1. What was one of the most certain decisions you’ve ever made? What made it so certain? What was one of the most uncertain decisions you’ve ever had to make? What was so uncertain about it?
2. When or who have you had to lead during uncertain times? What difficulties or challenges did you face in the midst of that?
3. Jesus promises in John 16:33 that “in this world you will have trouble.” While Jesus certainly doesn’t cause trouble in our lives, trouble is inevitable. Why is trouble part of our lives?
4. Jesus promises in John 16:33 as well, that “I have told you these things that you may have peace.” When was a time when you were facing peace during trouble/uncertainty that you realized this peace in the midst it?
5. Jesus concludes this passage with “But take heart! I have overcome the world.” What hope does this verse give us as we lead during uncertainty?
6. What can we do in our lives to exhibit this peace that Jesus promises in the midst of uncertainty? How can we influence people towards Jesus in the midst of uncertainty?
7. As we pray, what uncertainty are you leading through that we can pray about tonight?
***Always close your group with a time of prayer. As a leader, you can lead this or you can all share in the requests praying for one another. You need to know where your group is at to determine what would be most comfortable in that setting. i.e. don’t ask people to pray in the group if you’re not sure they’re ready to.