Friday Leadership Post - Humility

Posted by Matt On 8:20 AM 0 comments
I was reminded yesterday of an instance I had as a student pastor. I had spent a week getting my lesson ready for the night, and in came Kyle. Kyle was a student that was on the fringes of the student ministry, came irregularly, but really needed to be there. He showed up and I thought – “Oh sweet! Kyle is here! He really needs to hear what God has laid on my heart tonight. I’m glad he’s here cause he’ll get to hear this!”

Kyle walked in right as the evening was beginning. I noticed that instantly when he walked in he was greeted by an adult who was his small group leader. They struck up a conversation and began to dialogue. As the night progressed, I realized that I was getting ready to speak, and Kyle and his small group leader were still talking. I got up to speak, and they kept speaking. I presented my whole sweet presentation, and Kyle and his small group leader were still going. He never heard a word I had to say.

Needless to say, I was not pleased with this situation. I mean seriously, I’m God’s anointed right? How could that conversation have more pertinence than what God had ordained for me to say that night? Oddly enough, Kyle attended the next week, and the next, and the next, and so on. He became a regular attendee to the student ministry and his small group and God worked in his life, primarily through his small group leader.

As a leader, I realized through this situation that my job is to whatever God wants me to do and not put my agenda into it. Galatians 5:24-25 says, “Those who belong to Jesus Christ have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.” That means my job is to stay totally surrendered to God, listen for his voice every second of every day, and follow him with reckless abandon. God’s going to call us to be part of something that we’re not going to be the centerpiece of, even though we feel like we should be. Humility.

The truth is, I don’t even remember what I talked about that night, but I remember the outcome that God had in mind from the beginning, even though I had little to do with it.

Party in the Park Volunteer Meeting

Posted by Matt On 8:48 AM 0 comments
If you are interested in helping serve at Party in the Park, there is a meeting Wednesday October 1st at 7:00 here at the Ministry Center. If you are interested in serving, you can let me know by posting a comment on this blog or by sending me an email @

Get off the Couch Week Update

Posted by Matt On 2:45 PM 0 comments
Hey all Get off the Couch Week coordinators, here are some options of what to do that week:
  1. I referenced this in an earlier post, but there are some needs of a family within the church that could use some support.
  2. 'We Care' is an organization that we have used before during "IMPACT!" this past June. They have some opportunities available to help out folks in the community that may not be able to help themselves. These are typically things like yard work, manual labor around the house, cleaning, etc.
  3. South Side Mission has an opportunity on Saturday morning Oct. 11 for any group that would like to help at the Benevolence Center. This would be helping sort through donations, as Saturday is their busiest donation day.
  4. Peoria Rescue Mission has an opportunity to serve the evening meal to the folks there on Monday, Tuesday, or Thursday that week from 5:30-6:30.
  5. This is the option that if it is feasible, we'd love to see you do this. Find your own project to help someone in need. One group is helping a family that had significant flood damage. Another group is helping a lady who's given up on church finish her basement. You may be aware of needs within your group or of people around you that need help and need Jesus. These are great opportunities as well.

For more information or to commit to any of these options, contact Matt through email: or through the phone - 291-0320.

Guilty Elephant Discussion Questions

Posted by Matt On 2:37 PM 0 comments
Hi leaders/facilitators,

I emailed you all the discussion questions and leader's guides for the week. I wanted to put them on here as well, so that you would have a couple of ways of getting them. As of right now, we can get the discussion questions on here, but I will keep emailing the leader's guide. Because of it's size and our capabilities, we won't post it on here. Let me know if you didn't receive the leader's guide and I will get it in your hands. Thanks!

Discussion Questions from “The Guilty Elephant”

1. When did everyone start attending BridgeWay? What is the reason you keep coming back to BridgeWay?

2. Matt referenced the book Post Secret during the message this morning. Why is it that these books have become so popular? Why would people confess secrets like that to millions of strangers? Do you think everyone has secrets like that? Why?

3. Sunday, we detailed two characters in the Bible that dealt with guilt in different ways: Judas and Peter. Take time to read the end of their stories together right now. Judas’ story is found in Matthew 27:15. Peter’s story is found in John 21:15-19. What similarities are there between these two men and their situations? What differences are there between these men and their situations?

4. Why is it that people sometimes have a hard time dealing with their past? Why do poor past decisions seem to creep up in our lives, marriages, families, etc.? Read Hebrews 12:1-2. What advice does this passage give us in terms of dealing with the past?

5. God wants to redeem our pasts. In what ways has God redeemed your past for his glory? What struggles with your past are you facing right now?

Sunday Reflections

Posted by Matt On 8:03 AM 0 comments
An incredible Sunday at BridgeWay! Here are some highlights:

  • We missed Dale this week. He had a really cool opportunity to speak at the church where he grew up as a part of a celebration their church was having. I know he was bummed to miss a Sunday at BridgeWay!

  • Beautiful weather this week! A huge difference from last week...

  • We had 275 people in worship this morning - that's very cool!

  • The band was on fire as always. It was cool hearing "The Freshman" by The Verve Pipe in service. I think it took a couple people by surprise to hear that!

  • It was very humbling to see God move the way he did in the service. I was talking to Nate after the service and we were both in awe of what took place. It was so moving to see someone hold out that rope in front of them and to be able to cut it and say, "In the name of Jesus Christ, you are free." Powerful stuff, I'm getting goosebumps just thinking about it!
  • Big shout out to our children's workers and to Connie Borth, the pastor of family life here. She is doing a phenomenal job with the children's department and has a remarkable team of leaders serving with her. They had 90 kids a week ago - that's what I'm talking about!
  • I used a couple clips from the movie "The Mission" in the message Sunday. The movie gets even better than the scenes I showed, it's worth a watch if you haven't seen it.
  • Colts lost to Jacksonville, what's up with that? I know people are ripping on Peyton Manning, but I think the fact that they're giving up 200+ yards a game rushing is a bigger issue. That part's free.

Thanks again for all you do at BridgeWay!

Get off the Couch Week

Posted by Matt On 9:57 AM 0 comments
We are currently putting together options for the "Get off the Couch Week" coming up in three weeks. If you are the "Get off the Couch Week" Coordinator, or can pass this note along to them, please send Matt an email or give him a call. There is a need within the community of BridgeWay that could be addressed by every group that is a little too sensitive to put out here. However, I would like every group to consider it as an option. So if you could send me an email @ or give me a call 291-0320, I'd love to fill you in. Thanks!

Small Groups are launched!

Posted by Matt On 10:19 AM 1 comments
Hey everyone!

I just wanted to say a big thank you for all of you who helped get our first Connection Group experiences off the ground. We've had a lot of positive feedback as well as some helpful tips on how to improve for next time.

A couple housekeeping items:
  • If you didn't get me the sheet with the group roles designated, please be sure to email me that info for our records here at the office.
  • Also, message notes, leadership material, and discussion questions will be available on this very blog in the near future, so make sure you check on here early and often for that information.

Thanks leaders for all you do!

Connection Groups Week 2

Posted by Matt On 8:03 AM 0 comments
Hey friends!

We are rocking for week 2 of Connection Groups. I'm pretty excited about this week as well. We've had more people sign up since last week and I think we'll have even more people there! Very cool indeed.

Just a reminder for leaders:

- Make sure you give everyone a call in your group. Remind them of the time, but also to bring food for those
who signed up to bring some.

- Sunday afternoon we will meet again at 4:30 to go over the evening's festivities.

Thanks again for your leadership - see you Sunday!
Monday: Went with Dale on a fishing expedition that nearly ended with BridgeWay needing to fill two staff roles due to the rain/lightning storm we got caught in.
Lesson: Check the radar before you go fishing.

Tuesday: Had a series of meetings an appointments that literally went all day. Every single one of them was enjoyable and productive. The day culminated with me being able to minorly contribute to the parade float for about 20 minutes.
Lesson: The world is full of leaders waiting to be developed.

Wednesday: Worked on Connection Group material for Sunday, hammered out details for the Party in the Park, and a bunch of other stuff. The day ended with an Advisory Council meeting that was simply incredible.
Lesson: Dream God sized dreams, and most often, they still won't be big enough.

Thursday: Went to Ottawa for a district pastor's meeting. Picked up some great small group leader material. Got to hang out with the old staff for a bit. Made some phone calls that God had put on my mind - after making them, I know why He put them on my mind.
Lesson: When God asks you to do something, there's a good reason so DO IT!

Friday: I'm sitting in the office writing this in the midst of a PACKED week, but needed to put these thoughts down somewhere. Today is going to be another full day of meetings and parade preparation, followed by a Saturday of a parade, a wedding, and more preparation, which is of course followed by Sunday.
Lesson: God is so good, so faithful, and so graceful to allow me to participate in anything relating to Him.

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